“Aim your arrow at the sun”

A long time ago I ran across this saying, and it has stuck with me as my favorite quotation of all time:

“Aim your arrow at the sun and you may not reach it, but your arrow will fly far higher than if you aim at an object on a level with yourself.”

I suppose this has been my guiding principle throughout my life, even before I was consciously on the spiritual path.  Always try to do my best and my highest, and if I didn’t quite make it, well, at least I wound up better than when I started.  Three steps forward and one step back, and all that.  And sometimes one step forward became a giant leap upward.

The farther along I go on my spiritual path, the higher that sun climbs.  So I have even farther to shoot for; but that’s good, because each step of the way I do learn more, grow more, and come closer to my highest and my best.  I can’t wait to find out what that highest and best ultimately is!



keywords alternative spirituality, eclectic spirituality, new age, spirit, spiritual but not religious, spiritual diversity, spirituality, spiritual not religious, spiritual path, spiritual search, spiritual seeker, spiritual experience, spiritual beliefs

2 Responses to “Aim your arrow at the sun”

  1. Sylvia D. says:

    I have to chuckle here, because the idea of having a favorite quote “of all time” is rather the opposite of fluidity isn’t it.

  2. Well, think of the quote as a feather floating on that fluid movement of spiritual belief!

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